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Mobility Tour

The mobility tour, as described in the 4th tab above, has been an objective of mine within the Valverde Movement Project for almost 2 months. The work my partner and I have done to read up on the history, lay out geographically where the tour should be, and connect with neighbors to figure out their desires for the tour is all represented in this screenshot. The artifact of the mobility tour product is extremely important to the work I've done as a CCESL Scholar because I used all of the community engagement skills I learned in my time with the program to execute the Mobility Tour.

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Park Naming Flyer

When I began working with the Valverde Movement Project, the first objective on the agenda was naming a pocket park in the Valverde neighborhood. The naming of the park holds significance for many reasons, but most specifically to honor the Ulibarri family for the ways in which they uplifted their marginalized community in Valverde. The park naming is an initiative we have been working on nearly all year and hopefully will come to fruition this summer!

Meeting Agenda

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This is an example of a meeting agenda from the Valverde Movement Project group meetings. In this document, we could contribute ideas for weekly meetings, present work we had been doing, and also look back on previous weeks' topics. The agendas were not only a tool for organizational success but also a way for us to measure our productivity. 

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